Sunday, January 8, 2012


Notice Rebecca's fingers.

What happens when you have 4 older sisters.
what am I talking about, Jacob is just as bad!

Is everyone as obsessed with buns as we are?
Or is something genetically wrong with our family?
(don't answer that. smile.)

so tender and sweet.
he is the yummiest little guy.
Everyone can't help but fall in love with him.

Rachel recently got up in church to speak a few minutes on her youth
conference experience. As she was walking back..Ammon shouts out,
"Rachel, i love you, i love you Rachel."

yep, he loves her, bun pinching and all. and the feeling is mutual.

1 comment:

Stephensens Rock said...

Oh. My. Gosh. I love love love the picture of Ammon and Rachel with his cute widdle hands on her face. Sigh. He looks so grown up. I can totally imagine him shouting to Rachel at church! Miss that kid!