Wednesday, October 19, 2011


After two seasons of working so hard the Osan Cougars finally won a game!
(Jacob wants me to add that the score was 35-19 until the last 2 seconds of the game.
oh and for stupid reasons he says. )
Jacob was at his wits end. He just couldn't handle it anymore.
He kept lamenting, "I don't even know what it is like to win. I don't even know how it feels."
So you can imagine the first thing I said to him when he walked in the door after the game.
Really, their season is only four games, and only two other teams are in the
"small schools" bracket. It was so hard to see them play teams that had twice the
players, and all seniors some with 75 lbs on them. I was so proud of them.
They really did well despite their losses.
What is so cool is an international school in Singapore is flying them out next weekend
to play them, and than are taking them on tours. How cool is that?

This was their last home game (of only two) and the first one with the cheerleaders there.
It was their homecoming game and it was a packed crowd. So many families from church came to cheer both Jacob and Rachel on. It turned out to be a REALLY good game. super exciting.
Especially since the last time we played Daegu we lost 29-0. It was the worst game ever.
I have never seen them play so bad ever!! Very discouraging.
Boy did we get even!!
Jacob scored two amazing touchdowns, and had like 21 tackles. Playing safety
he stopped the other team from making many touchdowns.
I was so incredibly proud!
(above is his second touchdown, he's number 10)
that's called dedication. He really had so many amazing tackles.

Earlier in the day I came for the pep rally. So high school. So fun!

The seniors had a toga day and the crowd had to cheer for whose costume they liked best.
They got it down to three kids and then had each of them do a walk off.

Come on, he's a Reneer. We do walk offs for fun when we get together. ha ha.
He had the whole school chanting his name. Ja-cob, Ja-cob.
Talk about an ego booster.
I will never forget it. I doubt he will either.

back to the game. A few more great plays.
Rachel and her groupies. A whole group of little girls stood next to her and
did everything that she did. So cute.

This little girl lives on our same apt. floor, and is totally in love with Jacob.
She is five, and tells everyone that he is her boyfriend and that she is going to marry him.
She is super dramatic and talks like a teenager.
Her mom told me that she was watching Jacob at the game and said,
"I am so in love with him right now."
She cracks me up so bad. We suggested to her that Ammon could be her boyfriend.
She gave us a look and said, "um, no." In her best teenage voice.

He is pretty handsome. smile.

Leah is totally cracking us up lately. She is trying so hard to be a cool teenager.
She is really trying to take advantage of her connections with her older siblings.
She tries to hang out with them and their friends. Look at this look above. She is so funny.

Cutie Rachel. The cheerleaders are so much better this year.
They have two young airmen (girls) that have taken on coaching them,
and what a difference.


half time and all the seniors and parents went out on the field.
When Ammon graduates we will both be seniors. get it. ha ha.
But seriously could you just die at the cuteness of ammon in this picture.
He did that all on his own. I love my boys!!!

Rachie and I have bonded a lot this year. love her.

Rebecca's friend Caroline is a family favorite. She is hysterrical.
BEST NIGHT EVER! Right jake?
Let's just say best weekend ever.
Jacob was very happy about taking Alex to the dance.
Rachel and her peeps.

oh so fabulous.
i love this picture.

ok, so i snuck into the homecoming dance. ha ha. What can I say, I am nosey.
I wanted to see what it looked like.
Jacob never even knew I was there, but rachel did
drag me out on the dance floor for a minute, but I just couldn't do it.
I was probably in sweats or something.

It's not smoky, just a fog machine. ha.

So after witnessing the whole school chanting his name,
I wasn't surprised that Jacob was the Homecoming King (his date was the queen).
His sisters adore him as well.

He's just a likeable guy!
Rachel and Jacob have been like twins their whole life.
This is their last year together at home, and they really talk ALOT.
How awesome that they have stayed close all growing up.
Jacob used to say when he was 3 and she was 2 that he would "betect" her
(protect her) and he really has. He probably is the reason that she is alive today!
If you knew Rachel when she was little you know what I'm talking about.
He was always way more concerned for her safety than she was when she was little.
Jacob would cry and be upset when I would threaten Rachel to take her
to jail when she stole gum from the store.
Rachel of course was unphased by my scare tactics.

These pictures make me real happy.
love this look.

Yah, I'm blessed. I know it.


debsfreckles said...

I am glad you know it! I get choked up all the time reading your blog! what is wrong with me!? I actually posted a little about you on my blog you can check it out if you want...
I would love advice from you on the things you did with these guys as small children cause I want what you have so bad!

Sam said...

Heather, you have such a beautiful family. I enjoy reading your blog and seeing all the fun adventures you have.
Do you remember when you were the beehive teacher in Tahoe? Just before you got married? I was one of your little beehives...hehe... how time has flown since then.

Samantha Davis

Kelsie Kaelyn said...

Aunt Heath!
How jealous am I that i'm not in your fam? Pretty dang jealous. haha. I'm so happy i'm related to you guys. You make me want to have a huge family sooo bad. I ADORE these photos... Love Jacob, so handsome, I knew for sure he would be homecoming King before I even scrolled that far down the page. haha. Also, tell Rachel she looks soo gorgeous and her hair is beautiful!! I love looking at pictures of her, and all the other girls as well :)

Courtney said...

What an adorable family! I hope my kids turn out half as great!!!

cbo said...

Fun post! I love all of the pictures. I laughed out loud about Rachel's antics when she was little...I remember them very well!

Anonymous said...

jacob, you are awesome! on the football field, being a fun friend to all,and being such a great brother! rachel looks so pretty in her homecoming dress--in all her pics actually....LOVED every photo!!!! heather, you look so young and gorgeous. LOVED the photos of ammon...precious. loved seeing handsome david in the background in one of the photos. these are some priceless photos!!!! xoxoxox ciao your WHOLE family is beautiful!!!!