If you don't think so, watch this. It makes it perfectly clear, and Donahue's face is priceless in it. My brother had this on his face book and I really really like it. What do you think?
PS-you guys are all awesome. I can't wait to try all the new recipes. and yes, kami, I discovered the lovely side effect to zofran. In fact, just this evening I had dave look up the side effects to zofran due to how I was feeling. The trade off is worth it though. I didn't make it to my daughter's church program though tonight. I am sad about it. Sorry if you called tonight. I was dead on my bed, and just the little girls home telling everyone that called, "she says she's asleep." I was finally able to rest, and they wouldn't stop waking me up with everything under the sun that they thought was important. Leah even tried leaving a note on my chest. This after being threatened in every way possible. ha. Have to get up anyway and prepare a seminary lesson. 2nd Thessalonians tomorrow.
your amazing!! thats all......
I LOVE it! And congrats on being pregnant! So happy for you. Now send whatever you were drinking to Kelly- I have high hopes this is their year!
That clip is awesome! I get so angry when I hear clueless people condemning capitalism. Sadly, Obama is going to make sure capitalism is severly hindered, if not destroyed. It's pretty scary when the govenment just decides it can tax someone at 90% and we cheer them on. (I do not agree with the bonuses funded by our tax dollars, but the abuse of power by the gov is staggering). I heard Obama say today that they want to put a cap on corporate salaries. WHAT?! Wake up everyone! Communism is on your door step!
I will now relinquish my soapbox.
Steer clear of iron suppliments. That makes you VERY constipated. You can get pre natal vitamins without the iron. Any idea how far along you are?
BTW, you never said any more about this mysterious new house you bought. Please tell me it's an investment property and you are not moving!
Love you!
I would never move out of our ward. We are moving into the house and it is on the same street as the kidds, farley, nally , johnstons. I am happy about that. but getting really sad even thinking about leaving my current home. it is so cozy.
WooHoo! Pretty soon there won't be anyone on that street that isn't in our ward.
I'm so relieved you are not leaving the ward! When will you be moving? I will be over to help you pack.
that was a great clip! thanks for sharing!
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