It will change your life.
You may want to throw it against the wall like my sister did after reading one chapter,
but if you apply it, even the first chapter's assignment you will see instant results.
I got it in the mail a couple of days ago and since then me, the book, and hershey
special dark chocolates have been inseparable. I am only a quarter of the way through the book and already it has seriously changed my life in only a couple of days.
Dave is a happy man.
I am going to give this book to every single woman i know that is frustrated about not
being able to find someone to marry.
It says it all. Exactly how to be absolutely irresistible to a man.
If you are a feminist, you will not like this book...initially.
But if you are smart, and want everything you always dreamed of in a relationship,
you will be able to get over yourself, and your pride, and really try to
understand what a man needs, and in return you will have all of
your wildest dreams come true. smile.
I promise. Just try it.
I even gave my girls an assignment to try on dave and jacob. They responded
exactly as the book said. (a good thing).
They actually have a book by the same author called, "the fascinating girl". I bought it
but haven't read it yet. But let me tell you , I am giving my girls a great gift. And their
future spouses I might add.
So far there is only one thing I would say is wrong in it. Page 120, you will know what I mean when you read it. there may be more. I will keep you posted.
Again, it may ruffle your feathers, but the book is not about how to make yourself
fascinating to other women, but to men.
Do I have your interest piqued? Don't waste a moment. Order it today, or find it
at your local library.
Watch out Dave!
and you thought i was irresistible before! ha ha