I try to have an adult only holiday party every year. With a move and a baby I haven't gotten the word out to everyone I am sure of it. I delivered some invites, but never finished (bad me). I told some people as I saw them. So if you haven't heard of it, doesn't mean you aren't invited. It is not an exclusive event. It is my way to say thank you for being a part of our lives. We are so blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful friends, and we love and appreciate you all so much. So excuse my disorganization and last minuteness. If you are a friend, you will know that is just how we roll, and forgive me. So here is the info...
Friday December 18th, 7pm
bring a white elephant gift per person, and your holiday cheer.
Oh and please let me know if you are coming, so I have enough food.
Hope you can come!