OK, so I have been asked to be the "Craft Queen" up at girls camp for my church this summer. It is a 4 day event for the 12-18 year old girls. I am so excited! I loved girls camp. I must admit, I was somewhat of a prankster. I was the girl that giggled all night and snuck out to stick large kotex pads with wings on all the cabin doors. You get the picture. But, it was all good clean fun. I get nervous to go to youth events like this now, because I am supposed to be the adult, and I tend to get caught up easily in my old naughty ways, and act like a crazy teenager. The girls at the last youth dance that I went to actually convinced me to do the worm! These are the types of things that I am really embarassed about later. (but isn't it cool that I can still do the worm? I'm pretty good if I say so myself. ha ha).
I am hoping to be able to control myself this time since I will be in an all adult cabin with all the other leaders. I promise I won't put saran wrap on the toilet! So, I think I have the cushiest assignment. Plan a few fun crafts and hang out with the girls. There is a craft cabin that I can decorate all cute with the theme. Of course, I can't reveal the theme, since some of my readers are the girls going to camp, and I am sworn to secrecy. smile. But here are some things that have been inspiring me. I already have two crafts planned, and the third I want to be more trendy and fun, and do some stitching on something. Have you ever gone on flickr. Talk about eye candy. Seriously, you could be on there for hours. I only spent a few minutes and found these ideas.

I really like this idea and so easy and cheap. embroidery floss over felt. They would be cutting out words that went with the theme. I like adding the fun embellishments also like buttons and flowers etc. Some of these are from Elsie Flannigan's blog and craft class.

love this.

I like the idea of embroidery over a patterned fabric. Endless possibilities.

this is a little coin purse. very cute.

Making a journal would be fun but, and I saw a lot of cool ideas for this.

I like the top right felt book, and the bottom apron is to die for. Not that we could make an apron, not enough time or money, but it is so scrumptious and inspiring.

I don't like this exactly, but I like the idea.

I just think this bag is awesome. Not something for camp, but I just wanted to share. You can buy them at Elsie's red velvet art store. I would just make it myself I think. Rachel would love this.
If you have seen fun ideas on another blog or flickr, please share