I got home after midnight last night and found this note placed strategically on the floor right as I walked in. When I went to "tuc" Lizzie in, she woke up a little and asked sleepily, "Did you get my note?" I love that little girl.
OK, I just had an incredible three days! The "love affair workshop" was everything I hoped for and more. I learned so so much and I feel so empowered, motivated, and excited. Now I just need to put into practice everything that I learned. The four photographers that put it on were... Davina Fear, Kelly Moore, Millie Holloman, and Lauren Clark. You can google them if you want. I am too lazy to look up the links right now. They were fabulous!
Here are some pictures I took while there. I have a million more, but they will have to wait.

They were the cutest couple! I loved them! Both were 20 and going to school in San Diego. They aren't professional models, but I think they could be!

practicing motion

They were short on people to model and a girl that worked at the hotel said she would fill in! She did great!

Trying different lighting.

This place was amazing! I wanted to buy every dessert in there. But I was good.

My favorite part about this place was the front door. Isn't it awesome! If I ever have a photography studio, it will have this door! LOVE IT!

and here is for you Kelly. They had the cutest hand made baby shoes. You have to make these!

Here I am in my favorite spot. Cozy in my hotel room bed and practicing doing manual exposure. This hotel was really awesome. It is called the "W" hotel. So everything went along with the theme of starting with a "W". The details of this hotel were so great. I should have take more pictures of them all. I was pretty wasted and tired though.
WEll, now I am off to my bed. We are going to the zoo in the morning, and than going to friends to watch the BYU game. GO COUGARS!!!!!!